Student Testimonials & Experiences
FGMISOR students go on to serve in ministry, the mission field, and the marketplace. Graduates have also gained positions as ministry leaders and educators.
“I feel that the Lord has used FGSOR to accomplish a work in me and to prepare me for the future and all that the Lord has called me to do!”
“My name is Marge Register, and I am currently a Staff Pastor at Shiloh Christian Ministries in Sierra Vista, AZ. I have been attending FountainGate School Of Revival (FGSOR) since 2020. It has always been in my heart to pursue my Biblical education, however, going off to Bible School was not an option for me. When I learned about FGSOR and that I could obtain my Biblical Studies degree at home and online with them it just seemed like the perfect fit for me! And also that they were willing to accept many of the credits that I had previously earned, I just knew that the Lord was opening a door for me, and I went full steam ahead! So far, I have earned my Associates Degree in Biblical Studies, my Bachelor’s Degree and most recently I have also completed my Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies from FGSOR. And I am not done yet! I will be starting my Doctoral Degree with FGSOR this fall!
Attending FGSOR has been one of the best things that I have ever done! Each and every class that I have taken at FGSOR has brought much insight, encouragement and joy to me! I have learned so many things about Father God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Word of God that I never knew before! It was as if the Lord just opened my eyes and ears to see and to hear the truth of God’s Word like never before! All of the instructors as well as their teachings are so anointed. It has truly been such an honor and a privilege to be a part of such an anointed ministry of the Word of God!
I feel that the Lord has used FGSOR to accomplish a work in me and to prepare me for the future and all that the Lord has called me to do! There have been many times that the Spirit of the Lord would just fall on me during the class or while I was reading my assigned book and even when I was taking the test! There have been times that I know He spoke to me, touched me, healed me and restored me in areas of my life that I did not even know I needed. But God! It has truly been a life changing experience for me!
And I heartily encourage anyone looking for a Bible School that is Spirit breathed and Spirit led to then look no further! This is that!”
Marge Register, Doctoral Student & Teacher with FGSOR
“All of the classes stretched me, but I’d like to mention a couple that were particularly anointed…FGSOR, indeed, has changed my life and for anyone wanting to redeem their time I would say go for it! “
Leta and I had just been designated as the “affiliate leaders” of FGSOR in Tucson in the beginning of 2020. Then Covid hit in February 2020 and the country was shut down with the plandemic. So I felt this was the time that the Lord wanted me to take classes in the school thereby knowing more about the classes as well as the workings of the school. I thrust myself into completing these classes, about one every two weeks. It was then that I read the following Scripture and the Lord said, “This is for you!” It became one of my life verses.
Eph 5:15-16 “See then that you walk circumspectly (carefully), not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be stupid, but understand what the will of the LORD is.”
The word redeeming is “exagorazo”, Strong’s #1805, to redeem for one’s use, to set free from service or bondage, and to release on receipt of ransom.
The word time is “kairos”, Strong’s #2540, set or proper time, fit time, proper season, opportunity, and occasion.
The word will is “thelema”, Strong’s #2307, a determination, desire, the act of willing, what one wills or prefers, wish, and good pleasure.
So if you put these expanded definitions together in this Scripture it reads like this. Eph 5:15-16 (expanded) “See that you walk carefully, not as a fool, but wise, being set free from bondage on receipt of ransom, in the set or proper time, season, opportunity and occasion, because the days are evil. Don’t be stupid, but understand what the will, determination, desire, and good pleasure, of the LORD is for you.” Amazing, right?
Since February 2020 I have completed my Associate’s degree, my Bachelor’s degree and am presently working on my Master’s degree. The concentrated teaching has changed my life and its focus. I look forward to redeeming my time with additional classes as it focus’ my mind on Jesus thereby eliminating other distractions.
All of the classes stretched me, but I’d like to mention a couple that were particularly anointed. The Revival Research Paper class allowed us to pick a revivalist and research into their life and how the Lord used them. I chose William J. Seymour and the Azusa Street Revival of 1909. I had heard about him, but I did not know him. I had heard about Azusa Street, but I didn’t really know about it. After doing the research and completing the paper I feel like I have a fuller knowledge of William Seymour and the Azusa Street Revival. As we are seeking the Lord to revive us again, I am drawing strength and inspiration from what He did then and seeing what He is doing now from that perspective. The scarlet thread is still there!
Another highlight was the FountainGate Journey to Israel class. The last time we went to Israel with FountainGate Ministries International (FGMI) was in 2019. When I reflected on every place we visited on the journey, I felt that the Lord gave fresh insights and I was able to chronicle these in the research paper. Sometimes you just need to Selah and let the Lord bring fresh revelation to you that was missed because of a busy touring schedule. This gives you a chance to look again. It’s always worth it. I can’t wait to get back to Jerusalem again to see, hear, smell and taste the place of God’s own choosing.
FGSOR, indeed, has changed my life and for anyone wanting to redeem their time I would say go for it! I am also excited to see the new curriculum and class format as FGSOR is relaunched better than ever. Amen.
William Wells, Associate and Bachelor’s Degree Graduate and current Master’s Student