VAN204 | Tabitha School of Compassion (Coming Soon)

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Course Weight | 4 Credits

Quiz Weight | Must pass by at least 75%

Instructor: Jacqueline Searles

Jacqueline Searles encountered God in a life-changing way when God invaded her church, Brownsville Assembly of God, on Father’s Day of 1995. That encounter ruined her for religion. Jacqueline is passionate about seeing revival and awakening in America once again. She loves the Church, and has served the local body in varying roles for most of her life, being in full-time ministry since 2010. Jacqueline graduated from the Brownsville Revival School of Ministry, and currently serves at Vanguard Ministries, heeding the call to provoke the Church toward revival and the lost toward repentance. She leads Vanguard Justice, which is the human trafficking outreach of Vanguard Ministries.