Course Description:
Are you ready for REVIVAL? Taught by Pastor Caleb Cooper and drawn from the book, Equipping The Saints for Revival, Establishing A Strong Biblical Foundation by William A Roberts, MD. This dynamic two part class is an excellent way to equip yourself to be not only ready, but also to be a part of the great move of the Kingdom of God in these days. It’s a life changer!
Course Weight | 4 Credits
Quiz Weight | Must pass by at least 75%

Instructor: Dr. Caleb Cooper
Dr. Caleb Cooper is married to his lovely wife Erica and has two wonderful children, Izabella, and Caleb Titus Cooper. They have served in the ministry for almost two decades. A majority of those years have been spent Senior Pastoring. Caleb answered the call of God in 2003, when he heard the Lord say, “Son, I have called you to preach the Gospel with accompanied signs, wonders, and miracles and prepare a generation for the return of Jesus Christ!” Caleb is a firebrand revivalist that carries a unique calling and spiritual gift set to not only pastor God’s people but mobilize the body of Christ in the spirit of unity to labor together as ONE.
Required Reading: Pioneering Prophetic Patterns of Purpose by Caleb Cooper | Purchase Here
Download Free Course Manual: Equipping the Saints Manual