Course Description
This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the Old Testament, including its historical and cultural context, and major themes. Through a combination of lectures, readings, and assignments, you will engage deeply with the texts of the Old Testament, learning to interpret them in light of their original context and understanding how it applies to student’s life today.
Course Weight | 3 Credits
Quiz Weight | Must pass by at least 75%

Instructor: Pastor Kari Thompson
Kari Thompson has her Bachelor’s in Christian Education, a Master’s in Theology, a Bachelors of Science in Behavioral Health Science with an emphasis in trauma. She is currently completing her Master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling.
Kari is an anointed prophetic teacher/preacher as well as a passionate worshiper. She has learned that His presence must be a way of life. As Tim’s wife and the mother of 2 children, Noah and Emily, she finds life to be on the fast track many times. She sets a great example of how to balance family and ministry.
Kari grew up in a pastor’s home and has walked with the Lord many years. She accepted the Lord Jesus into her heart at the age of 3 and was filled with the Holy Spirit at the age of 5. When she was in junior high, she was used by God to be a catalyst for spreading the powerful news of the baptism of the Holy Spirit to all of her classmates. She even launched an early morning intercessory prayer initiative at the school. At the same time, revival broke out in her parent’s church and she received impartations from some of God’s key leaders who came to minister at the revival. Such leaders as Dr Fuchsia Pickett, Chuck Pierce, Cindy Jacobs, Iverna Tompkins and Dutch Sheets were regular speakers who greatly influenced her life.
Today, Pastor Kari plays an integral role at Fountain of Life as she co-pastors with Pastor Tim. God uses her to implement true changes in the lives of His people as she ministers to the deep places within them. As well, she started Mission Kitchen 153, the Fountain of Life food pantry, with 2 cans from her own pantry and now it feeds over 2,500 people a month!