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GED140 | Mystery and Power of a Blessing

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Course Description

There is a great difference between prophecy and blessing. Many times when we read a blessing, especially in the Old Testament, it sounds like a prophecy when it isn’t (I Peter 3:9). The power of life and death is truly in the tongue. Each day, we have an opportunity to bless the people and circumstances around us or curse them. The choice is ours to make.

Course Weight | 3 Credits

Quiz Weight | Must pass by at least 75%

Pastor John Kilpatrick

Instructor: Pastor John Kilpatrick

John Kilpatrick was blessed to experience the glory of God as Holy Spirit entrusted him with the pastoral oversight of the historic Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Florida and the Bay Revival in Mobile, Alabama. He currently serves as the founder and executive pastor of Church of His Presence in Daphne, AL. He also travels across the nation spreading the fires of revival and impacts churches worldwide through media ministry.  With over fifty years of pastoral ministry, twenty-two of which included his ministry at Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, he and his wife, Brenda, are fulfilling their apostolic call by helping to establish churches and mentoring ministers.

John Kilpatrick Ministries was birthed in 1996 out of the white-hot fires of the Brownsville Revival. It was during that move of God that John Kilpatrick began to travel across the United States and encourage pastors and congregations to pursue revival. Today, JKM reaches thousands of people through online streaming, podcasts and Church with GodTV. Through these broadcasts and travel ministry, JKM is reaching the world with the message of revival and a passion for the presence of the Lord.

Required Reading: Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose By Derek Prince | Purchase Here