Degree Plans

Create a degree plan to help you reach your ministry goals! FGMISOR accepts transfer credits. Classes and requirements are subject to change. FGMI strives for excellence and updates course material over time. If this influences your degree plan, you will be notified. You will retain credit for any work completed. The cost is $75/credit hour.

Associate’s Degree

Two-Year Degree | 67 Credits

Required Courses

4REV105Equipping the Saints For Revival Part 1
4VAN206Anna School of Prayer and Intercession
4VAN207Judah School of Worship
3GED125Hearing the Voice of God
4VAN210Peter School of Revival – Part 1
4VAN211Peter School of Revival – Part 2
3HIS 101Old Testament Survey
3HIS104New Testament Survey
3GHS101Presenting the Holy Spirit
3BIB102Book of Acts
3BIB143Empowered Identity
4VAN203Elijah School of the Prophetic
4VAN212Timothy School of Intensive Training Part 1 – Core Doctrine
4VAN213Timothy School of Intensive Training Part 2 – The Apostle Creed

Total Required Credits: 50

Total Electives Credits: 17

Bachelor’s Degree

Four-Year Degree | 128 Credits

Required Courses
3GED124Hermeneutics: Gaining Revelation in Scripture
3GED132The Power of the Blood
3GED135Overcoming an Orphan Spirit Part 1
3GED136Overcoming an Orphan Spirit Part 2
3GED146Spirits that Hinder the Flow of God Part 1
4GED147Spirits that Hinder the Flow of God Part 2
3GED202Breakthrough Anointing
3BIB126Biblical Worldview
3GHS145Understanding and Activating the Gifts
3BIB104Book of Ephesians
4GHS147Eyes of Your Understanding
3PRO102Spiritual Warfare
3REV106Equipping the Saints For Revival Part 2
4PRO142Eschatology: The Study of Bible and End Time Events
3REV102Revivalist Research Paper
Associates Degree Credits Carried Forward: 67

Total Required Credit: 115

Total Elective Credits: 13

Master’s Degree

Five-Year Degree | 158 Credits

Required Courses
4REV107Heart of a Revival Leader Part 1
4REV108Heart of a Revival Leader Part 2
3PRO101Understanding the Times
5MAD307Masters Dissertation
Bachelor’s Degree Credits Carried Forward: 128

Total Required Credits: 144

Total Elective Credits: 14

Doctorate Degree

Six-Year Degree | 178 Credits

Classes and requirements are subject to change. FGMI strives for excellence and updates course material over time. If this influences your degree plan, you will be notified. You will retain credit for any work completed.

Required Courses
3GED123Ministry Ethics and Protocols
3REV104Holiness and Revival
10DOD410Doctorate Dissertation
Master’s Degree Credits Carried Forward: 158

Total Required Credits: 174

Total Elective Credits: 4


Credits are part of each degree plan – Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate.

***Courses are continually being added to this list.***

3BIB144Unlocking Destiny
3EVG107Missions in Action
3EVG108Making The Supernatural Natural
3REV103Fanning the Flames of Revival
4VAN204Tabitha School of Compassion
3GED140Mystery and Power of a Blessing
2GED128Public Speaking and Sermon Prep
3PRO122Spirit of Prophecy
3GED141Functions of the Human Spirit
3REV101Components of Revival
3HIS102Introduction to History of Revival
3GED142From Promise To Provision
6PRO140FountainGate Journey to Israel with Immersive Study

Start Your Journey!

FGSOR accepts transfer credits. Once you submit your online application and transcripts, a counselor will help you develop a degree plan based on accepted transfer courses and credits needed to complete your degree.